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Lose a dress size in just 5 weeks without having the time to regularly hit the gym

Just 10 online Callanetics classes will help you
lose 10 inches or you get your money back!

You no longer have to mess up your whole schedule
to squeeze in some time for a quality workout

You can achieve great results from the comfort of
your living room, with only 2 workouts per week

With the method of your new Callanetics
workout you will easily drop 10 inches
in no more than 10 classes

Check out Agnes’ video message for you

You are guaranteed to lose
a dress size in 10 classes

Doing my workouts with me just twice a week will surely get you the desired results

Without unnecessary
gym memberships

My classes are held online, so you can attend from anywhere in the world

Whenever your time
schedule allows you

If you can’t make it to class, just simply rewatch and make up for the previous session

You will never get your desired results until
you stick with “good enough” solutions

However, there is a simple, fun and time saving routine that could
reshape your body fast without unhealthy transformations

Not having enough energy because you don’t have time to hit the gym, but with work taking all your time, you also have no chance of properly recharging.

Now this is a vicious circle, isn’t it?

In order to start making progress instead of excuses, you must implement a workout routine, that is TAILOR-MADE to your lifestyle.

You (as many of my students) have probably tried a few things already, but they either demanded too much of your time or were location specific.

However there is a proven way to reach your goals regardless of wherever you are or whatever your schedule is.

All I ask is 2 HOURS of your time PER WEEK in the sake of your energy, health and self-confidence.

My classes are designed based on the
needs of busy business women

I believe that you deserve to feel great in your body, even if your
schedule doesn’t allow you to go to the gym multiple times a week

You will lose a dress size in 10 classes with just 2 Callanetics workouts per week

Callanetics exercises are mainly focusing on reshaping and tightening the body. It’s one of the best ways to get a more toned physique without losing weight far too aggressively.

All classes are held online
via Zoom, so you can join us wherever you are

You can absolutely complete the workouts even while you are on business trips. If you can’t make it to class, you can always rewatch and do the recorded session.

Real-time and interactive sessions to make sure you
will have the correct form

I will constantly pay attention to you and your positioning. You are also free to take your questions during or after the sessions. Whichever is more comfortable for you.

And on top of all this, I am happily offering a 100%
money-back guarantee

Callanetics workouts always work. Period. So if after completing all 10 classes online, you still haven’t lost the 10 inches, I give your money back without a question.

Wait a second! Let’s talk about WHY
Callanetics workouts are so efficient

The Callanetics exercise method is known as the most powerful
body-shaping exercise method, however it does more than that.

It cures most body aches and pains, especially back pain as it
strengthens the deep core and postural muscles, making your
body feel 10 years younger in only 10 sessions.

Doing gym workout

Doing Callanetics workout

I’m proud of my most dedicated students’ results

Because their success is also my success. 



Dropping 3 dress sizes and
losing 2 and a half stone

“I started Callanetics exercises soon after my 21st birthday, having been unhappy with my weight and body shape for quite some time, when Agnes suggested I give it a go I jumped at the chance. I have been attending classes for more than a year now and it has become a massive part of my life.

As well as dropping 3 dress sizes and losing 2 and a half stone in weight, I have felt an even bigger change within myself. Doing something positive has inspired me to improve my diet and overall lifestyle as well as of course giving me a massive confidence boost. Although Callanetics is challenging, it also relaxes me, and it is a cure for almost any daily stresses! I certainly will retain Callanetics in my new lifestyle.”

Hannah, 22

I managed to lose 8
inches in just 4 weeks

“I started doing Callanetics exercises about 6 months ago with the aim to tone up and just feel better about myself. I had been a member of a gym and attended weekly classes, however, I was frustrated with how long it took for me to see results. I noticed significant results very quickly once I started Callanetics and this really motivated me to continue attending classes.

I managed to lose eight inches in just four weeks! All my friends are so impressed with my results that they are looking for Callanetics classes near them.”

Georgie, 30

My wedding dress had to be
taken in further 2 inches

“After years of trying to tone up I have finally found something that really works. I could see results within four sessions! It also meant that my wedding dress had to be taken in further two inches. Callanetics is not a short term fix, it is a lifelong change, which I intend to continue with in order to maintain the results I have finally achieved.”

Jenny, 30

"My true passion and joy is to support women who are committed to transforming their bodies."

I believe that to achieve fast and long lasting results safely it is not enough just to do random exercise videos.

I am a Certified Callanetics Teacher and a Body Transformation Coach. I have been teaching this method since 2007 and I have been teaching online since 2018. I don’t only show you what exercises to do but I help you

Join the next class and let me guide you
to drop a dress size in 5 weeks

or you get back the entire class fee

Starter Package

One-time purchase
99 up to 5 weeks
  • 10 Online Live Callanetics classes
  • 24 hours video access (for missed classes)
  • 1 Stretch & Meditation class per week
  • Unlimited video access for S&M class
  • Personalized attention & correction
  • Take questions during or after class
  • Opportunity to join the Live Online Studio
  • Weightloss and goal consultation (2x30mins)
  • Measurement Sheet
  • 100% money-back guarantee

Fitness Challenge Club

Monthly subscription
15 per 4 weeks
  • 25-30 minute exercise videos for
    specific areas of the body
  • Unlimited online video access
    (during the time of subscription)

Live Online Studio

0 per 4 weeks
  • Available after completing the Starter Package

You are guaranteed to be in a win-win situation

Body transformation has never been this safe and easy

“Drop a dress size”

Callanetics workouts DO work! After coming to 10 classes, you will either drop a dress size or you get a full refund. There is no inbetween.

“Feeling good”

All the classes are held in a safe and supportive environment. Don’t worry about “gym judgments”, just come have fun and get the results.

“Constant attention“

During the sessions, I will constantly pay attention to you and correct your form, if needed. This allows the visible results to be inevitable.

Visible results
in 5 weeks

Live online

No equipment

24hr video access (for missed classes)

100% money-back guarantee

Questions you might still have

and answers that will reassure you

General questions

Callanetics is the most effective body shaping, toning and strengthening exercise program inspired by Ballet and Yoga. It is a unique exercise method based on muscle isolation, correct body alignment and spinal stabilization. The exercises use small repetitive motions that are no-impact and put no pressure on the joints or the cardiovascular system.

Absolutely not. Everybody can work at their own pace and fitness level in classes.

The Callanetics exercises are safe and gentle, and usually every body can do the exercises. However, if you have any medical problems it is always advised to consult your doctor before starting any kind of exercise program. The Callanetics exercises cure my clients’ back, hip and knee pain, and I had a lady whose endometriosis became symptom free.

Any fitness level. Everybody can work at their own pace and fitness level in classes.

There is no equipment needed at all. We only use a chair in classes.

Mondays and Thursdays at 19.30-20.30 CET
Tuesdays and Fridays at 07.00-08.00 CET
Stretch & Meditation:
Wednesdays at 07.00-08.00 CET

Logistics questions

You can sign up to my Starter Package by scrolling back to the packages and clicking on the “JOIN THE PROGRAM” button. It will take you to my checkout page, where you can pay the one-time fee. After that you will recieve an e-mail with all the necessary access and information of the program.

You can use the safest and most popular payment methods in the world and Europe such as Visa, Mastercard, Apple Pay and Google Pay.

No, at the moment only full payments are accepted.

You can request class recordings of any classes you have to miss and you can complete the class from the recording within 24 hours.

Not during the 5 weeks. If you complete minimum 2 classes per week in maximum 5 consecutive weeks and you haven’t lost 10 inches you will get a full refund. You will not get a refund if you quit or don’t complete all 10 classes within 5 consecutive weeks.

I promise that you will lose 10 inches in 10 classes or you get your money back. If you complete minimum 2 classes per week in maximum 5 consecutive weeks and you haven’t lost 10 inches you will get a full refund.